Film Noir Opening: Se7en

he opening sequence of “Se7en” runs for around 5 minutes and it is intended to introduce us to thecentral protagonist, Detective William Somerset (Morgan Freeman), as well as to set the mood for the remainder of the film. It also gives the audience lots of information about him- including what he does for a living and what he’s like as a person, not least introducing another main character, Detective David Mills (Brad Pitt). The look of the entire opening scene (and, consequently, the entire film itself), is very rough and raw. This is to keep the tension high and the mood dark, it also links the film with dark ideas such a murder and serial killers. Continuity editing is used a lot for the opening so all of the audience’s attention is focused solely on Somerset- although the edits are fairly fast, to keep both the pace and tension as high as possible.
Se7en Opening -
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