Our idea for the film was to represent the classic Film Noir genre conventions, but with a modern day twist. For example, we included a male detective (the victim) in a smart suit and a trilby hat and his wife (the femme fatale) in a dress, high heels and red lipstick. This was to give the characters a traditional, classic look and it fitted very well with the Film Noir genre conventions. We added the black and white effect to relate to the time period of the 1950's, which was when the classic Film Noir genre was very popular. We also filmed it in the domestic setting of a kitchen. This gave the film an odd twist and added to the effect of a different situation to the normal generic film.
In relation to the typical conventions and the verisimilitude or realism of our film opening, we have included the femme fatale and a male detective, however we have made it so the male detective was the victim of the situation. We also excluded the typical setting of bars, clubs etc. and as i mentioned before changed it to a kitchen. In our film opening we have tried to change the classic stereotype of the female being the victim and the male being the 'bad guy'. We have done this to create a sense of realism and so our audience can relate to it.
We took the realism of a husband wife with marital problems, the wife suspecting her husbands having an affair etc. and we chose to not include any dialogue. Instead we added a voice over, this lets the audience know what is happening in the film without taking credit away the from visual in the opening.

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