5. How did you attract/address your audience?
The classic Film Noir genre would be aimed at an older audience simply because the original Film Noir was big in the 1950's. However nowadays, the main target audience is late teens/young adult due to content such as violence, language and sex and drug references. As result of this, most Film Noir genre films are given an 18 certificate. In addition to this, the target audience is more likely to be male than female because of the amount of violence included in these genre films.
In relation to our media product, the audience would generally be young adults aged 16-35. We attracted our audience by handing out questionnaires and then analysing the responses. We decided on how to plan it after looking back at the results from our questionnaire's and making the pie charts from the results. Through doing this we found out the most of the people we asked would rather watch a film on Film4 than Sky Movies, also not many people have seen a Film Noir genre film, so when making our opening we had to take into consideration that many of the viewers would not know much about the genre.
We also found that people felt costumes and props are key to a successful media product. When we originally filmed our piece we noticed that the costumes we used didn't reflect the classic Film Noir costumes so we decided that when we re-filmed we would use more modern costumes as we were planning to aim our media product at a audience of young adults. When doing this, we decided to dress the female in a black high waisted skirt, heels, white shirt and red lipstick. This portrays a typical Film Noir outfit for a female, but with a modern twist to attract our target audience.

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